Professional High School of High Technologies “Alexander Stepanovich Popov”


Feedback e-mail::   info-2206410[@]

Representative: Margarita Yanakieva

Contact phone number: +3598861877125

Brief summary of the organization (business card)

After the first television broadcasting in Bulgaria, there was a need to train personnel for the maintenance of the television and radio equipment at BNT and BNR. On 5 November 1960, the Technical School of Low-Current Electrical Engineering was established to train secondary technical personnel for Bulgarian television, Bulgarian radio and communications equipment. Today, the high school teaches in two vocational areas in a total of eight specialties, including Computer Networks, Computer Engineering and Technology, Software Programming, Application Programming, Signal Security Engineering, and from the 2024/2025 academic year, the high school will also teach the specialty of Artificial Intelligence Programming with the study of a second foreign language, Chinese.


Product / Service #1

Popov Cyber Club

A club for extracurricular activities where we encourage our graduates to raise their level of digital awareness by organizing meetings with representatives of business and administration, carrying out activities in the field of cyber security. Students taking part in the club gain additional knowledge in various innovative areas related to high technology, cybersecurity and the need for ethics and security in the digital environment.

Product / Service #2

Organization of the National Scientific Student Conference “The School in the Digital World”

In 2024 the team of the High School of High Technologies “A. С. Popov” organized the first national student conference “The School in the Digital World”, in which in partnership with educational institutions and businesses, students from different schools in the country presented their point of view on issues related to the application of artificial intelligence in the educational process, the digitalization of education and the need for cybersecurity in school.

Product / Service #3

Participation in the competition “I can and I know how”

Our students prove themselves among the best in the capital and the country in the national competition “I can and I know how”. They show high hardware skills in the field of electronics.

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