Azitrend Distribution SRL


Feedback e-mail::   georgi.lazarov[@]

Representative: Georgi Lazarov, Business Development Manager Balkans

Contact phone number: +40 735 852425; +359 899908723

Brief summary of the organization (business card)

Azitrend Distribution SRL is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the field of security and video analytics, owning its own brand AZiGUARD of video management platform, video analytics, access control and time and attendance, interration with other systems and external databases, automation, etc. The solutions are used in a number of industries, through various functions of the platform – recognition of objects, people, cars, animals, license plates and vehicle type, recognition and analysis of the faces of visitors in the facilities – gender, age, distinguishing features – hair color, presence of beard, glasses, approximate age, etc. The system allows control of production processes through detection of workwear and personal protective equipment, control and counting of products in the assembly line, automation through the use of Aruco codes, integration with POS/ERP/WMS systems, Business Analytics rules to monitor for unregulated operations, and/or exceptions to general requirements, etc.


Product / Service #1


AZiGUARD is a leading video management platform providing the ability to work with 99% of the existing video cameras on the market. It provides the ability to use scripting with almost unlimited system automation capabilities. Convenient and customizable interface that can be customized according to the customer’s tasks and needs. Flexible user rights management system. Integration with access control and time and attendance systems, fire alarm systems, intercom systems, IP speakers, etc. Simultaneous video recording to multiple hard drives. Interactive maps, email notification, redundancy. Compatible with 99% of IP cameras on the market: full ONVIF, RTSP, etc. Automatic performance monitoring. Easy access via client applications for web and desktop. API/SDK/SQL DB access for integration with other systems. Encryption of backups and streams and more. The system provides the ability to detect smoke and fire, sabotage, loud noise, smart archive search, etc.

Product / Service #2

AZiGUARD Video Analytics

AZiGUARD video analysis is an artificial intelligence based functionality. It is a handy tool for tracking what is happening at sites in different industries and instantly receiving notifications about important events concerning customers’ businesses. Some of the features are: POS integration for intelligent video analysis for cash flow control, crowding and incident detection, human posture detection, visitor queuing analysis, business rules for detecting unauthorized cash register operations, shelf fill monitoring, heat maps in outlets for customer interest, workstation detection, modules for tracking staff actions, analysis of visitors by gender, age, and other characteristics, detection of unique visitors, facial recognition with wanted and VIP options, recognition of license plates and vehicle types, perimeter security, detection of work clothing and personal protective equipment, automation modules, etc.

Product / Service #3

AZiGuard ACS – access control

AZiGUARD ACS контрол на достъп функционалност с опция за изчисляване на работното време, е собствена система за контрол и управление на достъпа на платформата AZiGuard. Системата включва управление на достъпа, отчети за регистрация и анализ на действията, наблюдение на работното време на служителите. Възможностите за видео анализ и интегриране на интерком с-ми осигуряват всички предимства на системите за контрол на достъпа и интелигентното видеонаблюдение заедно в платформата AZiGuard. Някои от предимствата са: Управление на човешките ресурси; Температурен контрол на достъпа; Дрегери; Конфигуриране нивата на достъп с гъвкави графици за работа и достъп; Отчитане и анализ на заетостта в сградата; Конфигуриране на гъвкави действия на системни събития; Управление на пропуски за посетители; Работа в РС апликация, мобилно приложение и браузър; Фото/видео идентификация; Многофакторно удостоверяване. Интеграция на данните от VMS, видео анализ и контрол на достъпа, логики между тях.

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