At the start of the tourist season: EDIH Trakia and ABTTA with a strategic partnership

A new project called “CYBERsecurity 4 All STAkeholdeRs” will provide free training, consulting, and testing of digital systems to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and public organizations.

Two leading organizations in their respective sectors will partner in the project – the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTTA) and the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Trakia, coordinated by the Union for Private Economic Enterprise (UPEE).

The two signed a Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation within the framework of the project funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Commission and the Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Intelligent Transformation (RIDIT) Programme.

The project aims to provide easy and effective knowledge and understanding of cyber security on a massive and integrated scale. The idea is to provide free training, consultancy, and testing of digital systems to both small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and public organizations across the country. The first phase of the project will focus on the South Central Region (SCR).

“Our goal with this cooperation is to support the development of cyber security in the Bulgarian tourism sector and to facilitate access to specialized training and consulting for entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, as well as for relevant municipal administrations that play a key role in the sector,” said Dimitrina Goranova, Chair of the ABTTA Board. “The interaction between the tourism business and the local authorities focused on the development of the tourism potential of the municipalities, has been among the main priorities of ABTTA for more than a decade,” she added.

United, the two organizations will work to provide innovative cybersecurity solutions and technologies that will improve the level of security and digital infrastructure for companies providing tourism products and services in Bulgaria.

“The cooperation between ABTTA and EDIH Trakia is a step towards achieving greater digital protection and development in the Bulgarian tourism sector, including beyond the country’s borders. Over 30 digital innovation hubs are working in tourism and related industries within the EU. Through EDIH Trakia, connections will be made with these partner structures, which will grow into new projects and new opportunities for tourism companies and municipalities in the country,” said Dr. Hristian Daskalov, Chairman of EDIH Trakia.

For information on requesting and providing free cyber-services in the tourism sector:

– Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTTA) – [email protected]
– Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Trakia – [email protected],


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