Xentix Technologies

Website: https://www.cybermira.com/,

Feedback e-mail::   info[@]cybermira.com

Representative: Stefan Kostadinov Tafkov

Contact phone number:

Brief summary of the organization (business card)

CyberMira® – an experimental anti-ransomware platform that was recently developed in collaboration with the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and a private sector company in Bulgaria – Xentix Technology Ltd. The main objective of the platform is to provide an anti-ransomware solution that integrates various machine learning techniques to successfully tackle ransomware threats. The problem has grown exponentially over the past 10 years and continues to expand in importance in the near future, taking a larger market share, now becoming a hacker service. In short, the CyberMira® solution leverages a cloud-based platform combined with various heuristics and data delivery channels to successfully intelligently address modern malware threats, especially ransomware.


Product / Service #1


Cloud Intelligence technology provides automatic, real-time analysis of potentially malicious files and immediate response when threats are detected. It uses the honeypod principle to create deceptive bites into both the computer and its processes and services.

Product / Service #2


This innovative technology allows computers on a local network to share data and knowledge, an approach that helps detect and stop unknown threats such as ransomware and other types of malware.

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