Bulgarian Blockchain Association

Website: https://portal.registryagency.bg/CR/Reports/ActiveConditionTabResult?uic=205172931 ,

Feedback e-mail::   petkor[@]fmi.uni-sofia.bg

Representative: Petko Ruskov Ruskov – Chairman

Contact phone number:  +359887338083

Brief summary of the organization (business card)

The BBA represents and defends the interests of the information technology industry before the state administration and other bodies, institutions and non-profit legal entities when making economic, political, technical or other decisions concerning the interests of the industry and when drafting the relevant legislation; creates and promotes modern economic relations in the industry based on the achievements of science and technology;3. researches and adapts European social and economic standards and best practices to the industry; researches issues of technology, economics and finance, labor and industrial relations in the industry; localizes leading global practices in the industry; 4. performs public work to promote the reputation of the industry; 5. supports effective, transparent and fair competition and fair business relations in the industry by adopting the BBA Professional Code; 6. promotes and educates in the field of blockchain technology;


Product / Service #1

Information Technology

Handling private and general IT matters, including the establishment of the contractual legal basis and data protection treatment, as well as other employment and social issues

Product / Service #2

Representation and protection of members’ economic and employer interests

Representation and protection of the economic and employers’ interests of the members and support of the social dialogue in the Tripartite Council in the negotiation of the minimum social security thresholds within the meaning of Article 35(2) of the Labour Code.

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