Internship as a white Hacker in EDIH Trakia

Meet Petar Topalov, an 11th grade student from Plovdiv, who not only dreams of developing his expertise in cybersecurity, but actively works to achieve it. This is not a story about an ordinary teenager – this is a story about a boy who wants to become a hero in the world of cybersecurity.

It all starts with a cover letter. Peter decides to try out for an internship at EDIH Trakia, Bulgaria’s leading innovation hub in cybersecurity. In his letter, he shares his passion for cybersecurity and his desire to learn from the best. For him, this is a chance to dive into the real world of cybersecurity and show what he is capable of.

Mission One: SIEM and ISO 27001

When Peter started his internship, he was given his first mission – to understand and explain why systems for information and event management (SIEM) are important for compliance with the international standard ISO 27001. Peter dove into the deep waters of SIEM, discovering how these systems help organizations detect and respond to threats. The result? A detailed report that impresses everyone at EDIH Trakia.

Mission Two: OpenVAS GreenBone

After successfully completing the first mission, Peter was given an even more exciting task – installing and working with OpenVAS GreenBone. This is a powerful tool for detecting vulnerabilities in networks and systems. Peter quickly learns how to scan and find weaknesses, generate reports and suggest solutions. In other words, he becomes a true cyber threat hunter.

What has Peter achieved with his internship and work with mentors in EDIH Trakia?

Two weeks of internship proved to be extremely beneficial for Peter. Not only did he learn new things, but he also developed critical thinking and quick response skills to cyber threats. Peter can now monitor systems for weaknesses and suggest preventative measures. This isn’t just knowledge – it’s a superpower in the world of cybersecurity.

Benefits for all and inspiration for future internships and fellowships!

Peter’s story is inspiring to his classmates. They see that with effort and desire they can achieve great things. Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Plovdiv, is proud of him and is happy to be able to offer such good learning opportunities.

For its part, EDIH Trakia gets fresh ideas and new perspectives from Peter’s work. His energy and creativity are an example of how important practical training is.

Motivated to continue together, Bulgarian cybersecurity association has offered a scholarship program for high school and college students which you can learn more about here: Scholarship Program.

What can we say in conclusion from EDIH Trakia

Peter Topalov is a shining example for every teenager who dreams of a career in cybersecurity. His story shows that with a little courage, a lot of effort and the right opportunities, anyone can achieve their dreams. We at EDIH Trakia are impressed by the energy and creativity Peter brings to our team. He not only learned a lot from us, but also enriched us with his fresh ideas and new perspectives. His work and dedication underline the importance of practical training and cooperation between schools and vocational centres. Peter moves on, ready to face new challenges and conquer the world of cyber security. Who knows! Maybe one day he will be the one protecting our digital lives.

The good practice of the EDIH Trakia internship programme is just one of many examples of successful interaction between EDIH Trakia and the local innovation ecosystem in the South Central Region, which the Hub is actively working to support in terms of developing its size and capacity. Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Plovdiv is a national leader in dual training and maintains an active relationship with many industrial enterprises in the region, supporting the development of skilled personnel for key sectors such as electronics, mechatronics, etc.

Photo: Signing of a cooperation agreement with the aim to join the innovation ecosystem of Hub Trakia at the end of April 2024.

Photo: Presentation of the Cyber4AllSTAR project at an innovation forum in June 2024, dedicated to artificial intelligence, organized by Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Plovdiv and Federation of the scientific engineering unions – Plovdiv.

Photo: Students from the High School in the training and business center of Hub Trakia in Plovdiv on the occasion of their participation in the “Youth Cyber Power” project of the Bulgarian Cybersecurity Association.

Photo: Hub Trakia’s “Youth Program” from the summer of 2023 (June-August), which set the format and structure for EDIH Trakia’s partnerships with local humanitarian and vocational schools. Participants in the academy supported the Hub’s training programs, including a pilot implementation on the Digital Hub cyber polygon.

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