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Brief summary of the organization (business card)

AgroHub.BG is a European digital innovation hub focused on the digital and green transformation of the agricultural sector in the South Central region of Bulgaria. The AgroDigiRise project offers a free integrated portfolio of services for farmers, SMEs and other actors in the agri-ecosystem, creating a platform for collaboration and innovation. With a core focus on precision agriculture and Industry 4.0 technologies, the hub facilitates innovation for more sustainable and modern agriculture. The project is coordinated by the Institute for Agrostrategies and Innovation.


Product / Service #1

Information and partnership

The Information and Partnership Service provides access to a wide network of partners and experts in the agri-sector and technology. Through events, webinars and mentoring programmes, AgroHub.BG connects farmers, SMEs and innovators to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. The innovative aspect of the service is the digital platform that facilitates quick partner discovery and access to the latest research and technology in the agro-industry.

Product / Service #2

Testing before investing

This service allows SMEs and farmers to test innovative technologies and solutions in a real environment before making financial investments. By providing access to laboratories and test fields, the service reduces risk and optimises investment decisions. The innovative element includes the use of the latest digital tools and analytics to measure the impact of tested technologies on productivity and sustainability.

Product / Service #3

Digital skills training

The service offers a variety of training and digital skills development courses aimed at the agro-industry. Topics include using drones, IoT devices and data for precision agriculture. The unique approach involves combining theory and practice through virtual and physical training sessions that improve efficiency and innovation in agribusiness. Participants gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement advanced technologies in agriculture.

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