EDIH Trakia present at the top online and offline trade fairs internationally

A recent publication by Dr. Hristian Daskalov, Chairman of EDIH Trakia:

⌛ So, just days ago, we welcomed the BALKAN FAIR ONLINE as a member of the innovators’ ecosystem of the European Digital Innovation Hub “Trakia”.

🕴 Our aim is to promote such pioneering tech entrepreneurial projects within and beyond Bulgaria. However, me and my team are also using the opportunity to actively learn from the companies we are aiming to support.

📚 As an example, I attended a training of Alexander who’s behind the Online Fair, and used the knowledge gathered on how to present online in order to test out the tips and tricks during the recent in-person international #SIHRE exhibition for hotel, restaurant, catering and SPA products and services.

💡 The tips worked! Many new innovators joined our hub’s ecosystem and we will work with each of them on promoting their best practices and providing them with free services in the field of cybersecurity to build product and service resilience.

🤔 What’s the biggest advice I learned from the online world, that worked in the offline word of trade fairs? – To be present. Attending fairs on behalf of your business is not a boring or routine work you simply hand over to someone. It is an opportunity to sell not your products and services, but your passion about them to others. This is what fairs are for, the rest can be done through any other marketing channel.

💻 Online fairs are no different – create excitement and opportunities for engagement with your audience is a must. And more often than not, you will stand out from the crowd enough for everyone to spot you.

🖼 We have Distriba Ltd. on the photo – an inspiring Bulgarian B2B startup, which was created to connect all participants in the food industry – manufacturers, distributors and end business clients, so that all the necessary information about the goods can be exchanged digitally between them. They speak with passion when they speak about their business and I love that!

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