Novatel Ltd.


Feedback e-mail::   office[@]

Representative: Gerasim Slavov

Contact phone number: +359 2 986 04 05

Brief summary of the organization (business card)

Novatel was founded in late 2004 as part of the Deutsche Telekom Group. As a member of one of Europe’s largest telecommunications companies, Novatel offers a competitive alternative in the telecommunications sector to the Bulgarian communications market. We are a leading national provider offering our customers a wide range of the best telecommunications services. Novatel operates a large, fully owned, high-tech fibre network with 39 PoPs in Bulgaria. As part of the Deutsche Telekom Group, we adhere to the highest standards in the industry, whether it’s operations, support or customer service. Based on extensive international experience and solid competencies, Novatel offers competitively priced telecommunications services, mainly to business partners and ISPs in Southeast Europe.


Product / Service #1

Sustainable urban management (smart city)

Waste monitoring and management system and development of model for garbage fee calculation. The implementation of an innovative system for monitoring and management of waste collection, disposal and treatment processes and the development of models for the calculation of the garbage fee in accordance with the new ordinance to the Municipal Tax Act will assist municipalities in the fair allocation of the costs of all activities to the batches of citizens and businesses in relation to the amount of waste generated and/or the frequency of disposal of each container and/or the number of people in a household. Street Lighting – Novatel’s intelligent street lighting management solution significantly reduces energy bills, lowers maintenance costs, while improving overall living conditions within a city. Street lighting accounts for more than 40 percent of a city’s energy bills, and cities can take advantage of technologies to significantly reduce these costs. At the heart of the solution is a centralised system for monitoring and controlling streetlights via controllers. This allows remote programming to switch on and off and define dimming criteria, optimising costs and maintenance. The city can introduce different lighting schedules based on the type of area (residential, industrial, city centre), events (Christmas markets, football matches) and different situations (low/high traffic). Video Surveillance – Novatel’s intelligent public safety solution enables the City to utilize surveillance cameras, in combination with a wide array of state-of-the-art video analytics modules, to significantly improve the efficiency of law enforcement and most importantly the overall safety of the City.Public safety is one of the most important services a city offers, as safer cities attract investment, business and a skilled workforce that caters to economic growth. Through real-time video analytics, the public safety solution helps law enforcement monitor public areas, keeping an eye out for incidents and unusual patterns of activity and ensuring faster responses and more adequate alarm activation. As the number of cameras in a city increases, the task of effectively monitoring and processing all live video streams becomes more complex. In order to provide effective and intelligent public safety, it is necessary for the management system to be reliable, user-friendly for city officials. Specific events and situations are automatically recognized by the analytics system, and brought to the attention of the monitoring team, thereby reducing response time. Studies have shown that approximately 57% of the City’s operational costs are due to public safety (police, fire, hospital). By automating processes and services in this area, operational costs are better controlled and service is improved.

Product / Service #2

Professional services

Novatel performs a wide range of professional services at every stage of the IT infrastructure solutions lifecycle. This includes auditing, analysis, design, construction, integration and maintenance of complex communication and information infrastructure solutions, network and information security systems, complex and specialized tests to assess the level of cyber security / penetration tests / monitoring and management systems. With its technological expertise and experience gained over the years, the company is one of the fastest growing integrators in the field of complex IT solutions.

Product / Service #3

Communication infrastructure

Novatel deploys and operates a national and cross-border infrastructure covering the entire spectrum of communications services, including fiber connectivity, DWDM, MPLS VPN, Internet and national trunking, connectivity to local and regional traffic exchange centers. The company operates over 45 national communications centers, geographically distributed across the country, which have interconnects with all local and national telecom operators. This allows for exceptional flexibility in building customer solutions tailored to the specific needs and objectives of users.

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