Trakia EDIH to take part in the Station Street Fest

On 05.09.2024 at 15:00 in the Auditorium of the Music School in Plovdiv, the event Ethical Hacking and Cybersecure Business will be held, organized by the EDIH Trakia, which provides grant services for businesses and the public sector in the field of cybersecurity and digitalization under the Cyber4All STAR project, funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union and the Research, Innovation and Digitalization for Smart Transformation Programme of the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.

The event is part of the second edition of the Station Street Festival, which starts on 5 and runs until 8 September, bringing together music, gaming, culture, art, and cuisine.

The event will take you on an exciting journey into the world of ethical hacking – the kind that doesn’t destroy but builds. You’ll learn how ethical hackers work with businesses to protect their digital assets from the threats that lurk online. You’ll see how our experts use the latest techniques and tools to find weaknesses in systems and strengthen them before malicious hackers exploit them.

One of the most interesting parts of the event will be the demonstration of real hacking techniques performed by ethical hackers. Imagine sitting in the audience and watching an expert break into a secure system, not to do harm, but to show what could happen if the necessary measures are not taken. This is the moment you realize how fragile a system can be and how important it is to have the right defenses in place. You will also have the opportunity to participate in case studies and problem-solving that will put you in the role of an ethical hacker. This will give you a feel for the thrill and challenge of this profession while learning how to think like a hacker to protect your business. But that’s not all. EDIH Trakia will also offer free service vouchers for you to use to improve your organization’s cybersecurity. You’ll get access to expert advice, penetration testing, and vulnerability analysis to help make your business more secure and resilient.

The event will conclude with an open discussion where you can ask questions and get tips to help you apply what you’ve learned in the real world. You will have the opportunity to network with other attendees, exchange experiences, and make new contacts in the cybersecurity field.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn how to make your organization safer and more secure in the world of digital technology. And remember – in this world, you better be prepared because when it comes to cybersecurity, the best time to take action is yesterday!

On 7.09. at 11.00 we continue with the Digital Hygiene event for children, their mothers, and grandmothers, aimed at all ages, about basic internet safety rules and how to protect yourself and your family from online threats. The key focus will be on:

Introducing basic digital hygiene rules for different ages
Practical tips to protect yourself from phishing and online scams
Examples and real-life case studies to raise awareness
Interactive games and lessons for children and adults

At 2 pm we continue with the event New Cybersecurity Regulations – ISO, DORA, and NIS2 – Lecture on the topic of new cybersecurity regulations that will affect business and industry.

Overview of the new ISO, DORA, and NIS2 regulations and standards
Business impact and practical steps for compliance
Discussion of the risks and opportunities associated with the new regulations
Answering questions from the audience on preparing for the new requirements

At 5 pm Tarator and Artificial Intelligence – Discover the possibilities of AI – An interactive workshop in the Music School courtyard demonstrating how AI can be useful in everyday life, from cooking to creative projects and cyber security.

Demonstration of AI applications in culinary and creative projects
Discussion on the role of AI in improving cybersecurity
Interactive exercises and scenarios with audience participation
Opportunities for personalized learning and AI exploration

Throughout the festival, EDIH Trakia will participate with a “Bulgarian Cyber Help” tent

Cybersecurity consultations for people and businesses
Advice on career development in cybersecurity
Business advice on improving digital protection
Fun cyber challenges and prizes for participants

Make your registration HERE Places are limited!

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