RADESOL Bulgaria Ltd.

Website: www.exercybe.com

E-mail for feedback : office[@]exercybe.com

Representing : Марио Радуков – управител

Feedback phone: +359886122100


Brief summary of the organization (business card)

RADESOL BULGARIA was established in 2013 with the aim of providing services in the field of engineering and telecommunications, based on the many years of experience of our team. The company is a partner of RAD-Bynet Group Israel, which is a provider of important telecommunications and cybersecurity solutions worldwide. RADESOL Bulgaria is also involved in the creation of the Bulgarian digital training platform EXERCYBE. The platform was established in 2017 and EXERCYBE is a full member of The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition of the European Commission, which aims to address the digital skills gap in Europe. Some of our important clients in Bulgaria with official references are BORICA, BULGARTRANSGAZ and BULSTRAD, among others. EXERCYBE solves one of the biggest problems for the cybersecurity of human resources related to the lack of adequate and massively accessible training for employees in business and administration in the EU.


Product / Service No. 1

EXERCYBE – exercise your cyber defense

EXERCYBE is a new generation digital training platform. The solution is oriented towards managers who want to manage well-trained staff that would contribute to the success of the company without risking its resources. The service is cloud-based with no installation, configuration and management efforts. The main focus of the specialized Anti-Fishing module is human resources cybersecurity. We educate your employees on how to protect themselves from cyber threats through: – Initial status analysis through a phishing pen-test – Digital cybersecurity training – Monthly simulated email attacks to employees and training portals to them, for misled employees. The scenarios are in Bulgarian and on topics relevant to the country. – Quick alert module for suspicious emails via Outlook – Monthly performance reports – Monthly cybersecurity newsletter With EXERCYBE you achieve very high performance at low cost compared to other cybersecurity products.

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