“Rendevue” Ltd.

Website:  https://randevue.app/

Feedback e-mail:: g.georgiev[@]randevue.app

Representative: Blagovest Georgiev – Director

Contact phone number: +359895099977

Brief summary of the organization (business card)

Today, transactions are no longer just a financial exchange. randevue.app turns payments into experiences and builds on top with value added services. Businesses in Hospitality can benefit from embedded payments system offering elevated end user experience. Through QR codes & NFC activations, end users can order & pay from any location at their favourite venues. In the meantime businesses can focus on what they do best – delivering seamless service.


Product / Service #1

Scan. Order. Pay. platform

randevue.app offers remote orders & payments from any location at the premises. End users benefit from an intuitive digital menu, convenient payment methos and seamless experience. Businesses on the other hand, experience faster table turn over rates, become more efficient and increase sales due to cross/upselling and missed sales opportunities. The staff have reduced work, better organisation and less errors when handling orders, but also x5 times more tips.

Product / Service #2

Delivery & pick-up platform


Product / Service #3

Digital room service

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