WEBIT Foundation

Website: www.webit.org ,

Feedback e-mail:: sofia[@]webit.org

Representative:  Dr. Plamen Rusev

Contact phone number: +359888812069

Brief summary of the organization (business card)

For the past 15 years, WEBIT has been one of Bulgaria’s most recognizable brands around the world, changing the country’s image by attracting global names in technology, investors, entrepreneurs, top executives from global companies and turning Bulgaria into a hub of talent and concentration of global business opportunities.


Product / Service #1

Webit Foundation

WEBIT is one of Bulgaria’s most recognizable brands in the world, changing the country’s image by attracting global names from the technology sector, investors, entrepreneurs, top managers from global companies and turning Bulgaria into a hub of talent and concentration of global business opportunities. Webit is a natural magnet for potential investors and innovators from all over the world who, on the one hand, are looking for new markets for investment and, on the other hand, an opportunity to meet at the country and business level in Bulgaria in order to gain contacts and access to global funding.

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