
„UMHAT Plovdiv“ JSC

“Hospital Plovdiv AD is a leading multiprofile hospital for active treatment, located in the city of Plovdiv. The hospital provides a wide range of medical services and has modern equipment and highly qualified staff. Plovdiv Hospital is committed to providing quality healthcare and implementing innovative medical technologies.

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Alliance of Technology Industry – ATI

The Alliance of Technology Industry (ATI) is a non-profit, industry organization of the telecom and technology industry in Bulgaria. It is the successor of the Bulgarian Association of Cable and Communication Operators (BACCO) and the Association of Telecommunications (ASTEL). Our main goal is to unite the efforts of most significant players in the technology industry. Our members are the largest telecom operators, well-known international equipment suppliers, universities with the greatest contribution to the technology sector, cable operators and system integrators.

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Website:, Feedback e-mail::   office[@] Representative: Anton Georgiev Contact phone number: +35929799785 Brief summary of the organization (business card) NEW GENERATION PMS SOFTWARE HOTEL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE EFFICIENT, EASY, SECURE, FAST AND READY TO USE ON ANY DEVICE INTRODUCING INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Product / Service #1 CLOUD-BASED HOTEL SYSTEM ONE LOGIN AND ONE


Evrotrust Technologies AD

Evrotrust е водеща българска компания, специализирана в предоставянето на удостоверителни услуги и дигитални решения за електронна идентификация и електронни подписи. Създадена с цел да улесни дигиталната трансформация на обществото, компанията предлага иновативни и сигурни решения, които осигуряват лесен достъп до електронни услуги за гражданите, бизнеса и институциите.

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ИНТЕРАКТ ЕНЕРДЖИ ООД предлага консултантски и инженерни услуги за разработка, финансиране и изпълнение на инвестиционни проекти в областта на климата, устойчивата енергия и въздуха, насочени основно към мерки и дейности за опазването на околната среда.


Bulgarian- Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BHCCI)

The Bulgarian-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BHCCI) was established to promote sustainable development and strengthen economic, commercial and cultural ties between Bulgaria and Greece. The Chamber promotes business and investment relations between Bulgarian and Greek companies, as well as relations with third countries. It promotes the professional activities of its members, maintains professional ethics and builds trust in society. The Chamber organises events, seminars and initiatives to promote bilateral cooperation.

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Xentix Technologies

CyberMira® – an experimental anti-ransomware platform that was recently developed in collaboration with the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and a private sector company in Bulgaria – Xentix Technology Ltd. The main objective of the platform is to provide an anti-ransomware solution that integrates various machine learning techniques to successfully tackle ransomware threats.

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