“Escom Bulgaria” Ltd.

Website: https://www.escom-bg.comE-mail: sales[@]escom-bg.com

Representative: Alexander Zhekov, Manager

Contact phone number: +35929799785

Summary of the organization (business card)

Eskom Bulgaria is a value-added distributor of leading information and cyber security solution providers.
Eskom Bulgaria’s business model is B2B, serving end users exclusively through a network of qualified, expert partners, system integrators, and service providers (MSPs). The company has a team of professionals trained and certified in various areas of cyber security.

Their services ensure comprehensive data protection, support digital transformation, and maintain regulatory compliance.


Product / Service No. 1

Identity and Access management

The Identity and Access Management solution provides end-to-end management of access to various systems and resources based on the roles of employees in the organization. It automates the process of granting, changing, and revoking permissions and audits user actions to various systems and resources.

Case studies that the product solves:
– Difficulties in quickly granting, revoking, and changing user rights especially when there are many systems.
– Granting rights and access based on the user’s role in the organization.
– High cost of manually managing identities and access.
– Difficulties in changing rights when the user’s role in the organization is changed.
– Difficulty or inability to enforce uniform policies across the organization.
– The need for proof of action in incident investigations and audits of rights and roles.
– Need for centralized, automated management of access and rights to different systems and resources for different types of users.

Product / Service No. 2

Privilege Access Management (PAM)

Describe in up to 1,000 characters the technology product/service you provide, focusing on its innovative element.
The Privilege Access Management (PAM) solution manages internal risk by controlling and monitoring privileged user access to critical systems and resources. Users can only perform administrative tasks that are specific to their identity and role. Immediately identifying potential threats, the solution can automatically terminate the session and access. Enables session review and incident investigation.

Case studies that the product solves:

– Need to protect corporate systems, resources, and sensitive data.
– Difficulty delegating different access rights to privileged users.
– Ensuring that the right people have the right access to the right resources in the organization.
– Investigating incidents and reproducing sessions.

Product / Service No. 3

Security Event and Incident Management – SIEM

The SIEM solution provides the ability to quickly investigate and detect the root causes responsible for problems and breaches in IT infrastructure. It monitors all systems and devices and detects incidents in real-time. Detects potential threats by correlating events from different sources in the internal network. Has the ability to automate response to different types of threats.

Case studies that the product solves:

– Difficulty in tracking and monitoring all devices and systems in the IT infrastructure, and detecting incidents in real-time as they occur.
– Need for correlations between incidents.
– The need to define and enforce incident handling actions when incidents occur, through a defined sequence of actions (workflow).
– The need to monitor attempts to circumvent imposed IT security policies.
– The need to maintain a basis for tracking, tracing, and investigating incidents as they occur.
– Need to collect log data (LOG files) of events for internal and external audit purposes.

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