Future cyber security experts demonstrated their skills in Plovdiv.

The event was organized by the European Digital Innovation Hub “Trakia”, coordinated by Union for Private Economic Enterprise (UPEE). It was attended by the Deputy Minister of eGovernment Valentin Mundrov, the Deputy Director of DG European Funds for Competitiveness at the Ministry of Innovation and Growth Gergana Grozdanova, the Chairman of the SSI Control Committee Atanas Temelkov, representatives of the Plovdiv Municipality, cyber security experts and others.

During the information day, students from the National Trade Schoo – Plovdiv,  “St. Paisii Hilendarski” High School and “Ivan Vazov” Language High School demonstrated their acquired skills in the field of cyber security as part of the youth program of European Digital Innovation Hub “Trakia”, which includes building and testing skills through the use of cyber polygon. The young people showed their skills to over 60 representatives from local business, public sector and academia from the region.

“Digitalisation and cyber security are among the main priorities in the sectoral policy and sufficient financial resources have been secured for their provision,” Deputy Minister Valentin Mundrov told the participants.

Trakia EDIH and Union for Private Economic Enterprise expressed their readiness to provide expert support in the implementation of the activities under the National Cyber Security Coordination Centre project. They also stated that they have the capacity and capability to create, promote and provide free services and products in the field of digitalization and in particular – cyber security, with access to the same being provided at national and regional level, with a focus on support for small and medium enterprises from the South Central Region and public organizations from the region (including small municipalities, universities, schools, hospitals and other infrastructures at risk of cyber incidents).

The event in Plovdiv is part of the activities of the project “CYBER4All STAR” under the Digital Europe Programme of the European Commission with the beneficiary EDIH Trakia and coordinator Union for Private Economic Enterprise and is held with the support of our project partners from the Municipality of Plovdiv, the Bulgarian Cyber Security Association (BAC) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Plovdiv, part of the pan-European network “Enterprise Europe Network” /EEN/.

Source: Plovdiv24.com

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