Svetlin Iliev, Chairman of DIH Trakia, took part in APAC’s National Cloud & Cyber Security Summit

APAC National Cloud & Cyber Security Summit hosted a Virtual Session on Global Collaboration Opportunities for Safeguarding Cyber Space. The session featured Svetlin Iliev, Chairman of the Digital Innovation Hub Trakia and the Bulgarian Cybersecurity Association.

APAC News Network (India’s fastest growing Media Research, Knowledge Consulting and Community Building Organization) aims to create a platform in which stakeholders from health, education, governance, and industry experts have a dialogue to create a knowledge society by leveraging digital offerings such as knowledge portals, event & webinars, consulting, digital marketing along with print magazines.

Attending the event was a great opportunity for EDIH Trakia to extend its partnership network beyond Europe. The EU’s Cybersecurity strategy for the digital decade was presented on the side of Svetlin Iliev who explained how the network of digital innovation hubs fits into the strategy.

Recording of the session is available at:

Earlier this year, on March 27th, the chairman of EDIH Trakia took part in “IMPROVATE“, an Israeli-Bulgarian cybesecurity innovation delegation forum in The Sofia Balkan Palace Hotel. An event, which also provided opportunity for extension of the Hub’s network beyond Europe.

The Israeli delegation was hosted by President Rosen Plevneliev, former president of Bulgaria, and was led by Yigal Unna -Director General of the Israel National Cyber Directorate. The event was a great opportunity for the members of the Bulgarian Cybersecurity Association (BCA) – a leading member of the EDIH Trakia consortium, to exchange ideas and best pratices with their Israeli counterparts on matters such as cybersecurity risk management, cloud & mobile security, general data protection regulations, critical infrastructure security & operations, developing security-conscious work cultures that are human-focused.