The workshop “True North approach for success in digitalization and cybersecurity”, part of the “CYBER4All STAR” project under the Digital Europe Programme of the European Commission, brought together academics, leading experts in the field of digitalization, private and public sector in Bulgaria in the face of the Ministry of e-Government and the Institute of Public Administration.
The event was organized by the European Digital Innovation Hub Traklia (“EDIH Traklia”) in partnership with the Union for Economic Initiative (UIE) – project coordinator, the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IICT-BAS), Bulgarian Cyber Security Association (BCA), Plovdiv Municipality and Plovdiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the seminar presented the hosts’ “True North” strategy for achieving success in digitalization and cyber security at national and international level.
Within the seminar were exchanges of knowledge and practices in the field of cybersecurity and digitalization, including through the National Coordination Center – Bulgaria (NCC BG), part of the European Network of National Coordination Centers for Cybersecurity. The latest IPA report, developed with the participation of experts from Hub Trakia, was also presented, analysing the challenges faced by the Bulgarian administration in implementing the new European cybersecurity policy. The study, which serves as a basis for the development of measures for Bulgaria’s successful integration into the European cybersecurity system, focuses on the importance of cybersecurity training and the promotion of cross-border cooperation in the EU to effectively tackle cyber threats.
The workshop presented an extensive programme including panel discussions and non-teaching sessions that encouraged active interaction and sharing of experiences among participants from the public, private and academic sectors from the region and the country. Among the local innovators who took part in the workshop program were the heads of the European Enterprise Network for Plovdiv and the region, the Technology Transfer Office of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski University, the local branch of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions, experts from the IT community of Plovdiv, the local branch of the European Enterprise Network, the local branch of the Federation of Scientific and Technological Unions, the Plovdiv University of Technology and the Plovdiv University of Technology. The project was implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in support of social enterprises, and others.
Through this consecutive partnership event organized in the heart of the South Central Region, the “CYBER4All STAR” project, representing a strategic investment for the country under the “Research, Innovation and Digitalization for Smart Transformation” program, has established itself as an important platform for development and innovation in the field of cybersecurity and digitalization, bringing together leading experts and organizations from different sectors and institutions.